Presented during the Venice Film Festival in 2012, this unique documentary was screened at the Louvre, MoMA and major film festivals. “Bob Wilson’s Life & Death of Marina Abramovic” follows the coming together of director Robert Wilson, performance artist Marina Abramovic, singer and composer Antony Hegarty and celebrated actor Willem Dafoe, to create the experimental opera based on Marina Abramovic’s biography.
Title: Bob Wilson’s Life & Death of Marina Abramovic (2012)
Client: Teatro Real Madrid and Manchester International Festival
Produced by Art+Vibes
Executive producer: Max Brun
Opera Director: Bob Wilson
Starring: Marina Abramovic, Willem Dafoe and Antony Hegarty
Film Director: Giada Colagrande
Dop: Tommaso Borgstrom
Location: Manchester, UK – Madrid, SP
Teaser duration: 1.58 min
Film duration: 57.48 min